Application and registration
You would like to apply for a PhD at ED393:
Prerequisites for an application:
- a PhD probject described according the DS specifications : télécharger le formulaire
- a supervisor holding the HDR and affiliated with the doctoral school.
- a Master's degree allowing registration as PhD student
- funding for 3 years time. The minimum wage is fixed by the law. It will be :
- 1er january2024 : 2 100 euros brut ;
- 1er january 2025 : 2 200 euros brut ;
- 1er january 2026 : 2 300 euros brut.
(source: https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/le-financement-doctoral-46472)
If you intend to submit an application for funding somewhere, the project must have been validated by the DS beforehand - so that we don't have to refuse a funded project.
If you don't have a PhD project or supervisor:
- you may contact directly a member of the doctoral school to inquire about opportunities (see the list of équipes d'accueil)
- you may consult the list of the subjects proposed for the yearly contest and make further contact with the supervisor before applying (les sujets proposés au concours).
Sessions and application forms
Every year, there are two application sessions :
- The 1st session : application forms should be transmitted between 1st September and 15 September at 11.59 PM of the current year (EXAMPLE: for registration in 2022-2023, the application should be sent at the lastest on 15 September 2022). Applications will be processed before the end of September.
- The 2d session : application forms should be transmitted at the latest on 15 October at 11.59 PM of the current year. Applications will be processed by the end of October.
Registrations received out of these periods will not be processed.
The application form should include the following documents sent in one single PDF file :
- The application form
- The research project : A document made up of 2 to 4 pages (all included) that explains the scientific context of the project, questions asked, sources of used datas, methods and the estimated schedule of the project (presented as a bi-annual schedule). This document should clearly identify the subject of each planned articles. The thesis project must include two original articles. The form must be signed by the director of the host laboratory.
- The candidate CV
- The thesis supervisor CV if he or she has never supervised a doctoral student in our DS
- The copy of Master’s degree ; transcripts of grades
- A cover letter, explaining career objectives
- Reference from the thesis supersor
- Reference from the team leader (if different)
- Possible letters of support
- Financing certificate covering the three years of doctoral studies
- Information form
All these documents should be sent throught the application ADUM: https://www.adum.fr/candidature/.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Complete forms will be studied by the DS Bureau members who will, if necessary, ask further information about the research project or ask for an interview of the candidate.
Once the application is validated by the Bureau members, the candidate will be contacted in order to start the registration process and meet the DS director.
A doctoral thesis can be realized under a « convention de cotutelle ». This is a convention between a French university and a foreign higher education institution that is entitled to issue PhD. The doctoral student should then have a thesis supervisor in each institution of registration (in France and abroad).
Student mobility grants can be allocated in the context.
If your thesis supervisor in France is in a host team attached to Sorbonne Université, you will find information about this convention in the following link : https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/affectation-dans-un-laboratoire-de-la-faculte-des-sciences-et-ingenierie-ou-de-medecine
If your thesis supervisor in France is in a host team attached to Université de Paris, you will find information about the convention in the following link : https://u-paris.fr/cotutelle-internationale-de-these/
Accreditation of Prior Experimential Learning (APEL)
If your professional experience in the research field proves that you can validate a PhD degree, you can apply for an Accredidation of Prior Experimential Learning (APEL):
- In Sorbonne Université : http://ifd.sorbonne-universite.fr/fr/le-doctorat-a-l-upmc/le-doctorat-en-vae.html
- In Université Paris Cité : https://u-paris.fr/validation-des-acquis-de-lexperience/