Before applying to the doctoral school, 4 conditions must be met.
Education and degrees
An european Master's degree or an engineering degree must be held to apply for the PhD program.
Exemptions may be granted for non-European diplomas or equivalences may be sought.
The doctoral project
The doctoral project must describe original research and must be feasible over a three-year period. It must be submitted to the doctoral school for validation by the bureau before it is proposed for financing in external calls.
Authorization of defense will be granted after the required achievments are met: publication of 2 articles as first author in peer-refered scientific journals listed in pubmed or WOS, and validation of 15 doctoral credits.
The research proposal is validated by the Bureau of the DS.
Please consult the DS rules for more information.
Thesis supervision
The candidate must find a thesis supervisor attached to a team of the DS (see the list of our teams), who agrees to supervise the candidate and welcome him within his team for the duration of his doctorate.
The thesis supervisor must be qualified to supervise research projects (the French degree is the HDR). He or she can not have more than 3 doctoral students (full-time equivalent). It is not allowed to have more than 2 new doctoral students each year.
Finally, in order to be able to apply, you must have a funding for the entire duration of your doctorate.
It can be either a funding specific to doctoral studies, such as doctoral contracts, doctoral grants, scholarships, CIFRE contracts or any
other funding obtained through funding opportunities.
It can also be a salaried professional activity. In this case, you must provide a certificate of engagement from the employer guaranteeing that 50% of the doctoral student's working time will be devoted to his thesis.
In both cases, the monthly amount must be equal or higher than the amount of a doctoral contract, i.e. € 2,044.12 gross in 2023.