
PhD projects proposed for 2024

This is the list of PhD projects proposed by supervisors in the ED.

This list is updated as projects are received and validated by the office.

It is indicated whether the proponent is looking for a candidate.


Sujet Proposant Recherche de candidat Concours ADUM
Experience of birth in countries with low and middle resources Alexandre Dumont NON OUI  voir le sujet
Mental health and addiction among people infected with hepatitis B and C viruses: analysis of the national health data system. Fabrice Carrat & Murielle Mary-Krause OUI OUI voir le sujet
Cancers and cardiovscular risk in people living with hepatitis B virus in France at different stages of infection - impact of treatment andindividual determinants. Fabrice Carrat OUI OUI voir le sujet
Maldi-tof coupled with artificial intelligence to study tick ecology: the interest of proteomic and lipid biomarkers Raphaelle Métras & Cécile Nabet OUI OUI voir le sujet
Thirty years change in factors associated with cannabis use in the general french population Murielle Mary-Krause - Isabelle Kousignian OUI OUI voir le sujet
Modelling mt5-mmp and in silico design of candidate inhibitory ligands for treating alzheimer disease Anne-Claude Camproux OUI OUI voir le sujet

Investigating structural ensembles of programmed frameshifting elements of rna viruses for drug design

Samuela Pasquali OUI OUI voir le sujet
Increasing preparedness to emergence by multi-source surveillance of transmissibles diseases Pierre-Yves Boëlle NON OUI voir le sujet
Efficacité d'une intervention d'accompagnement psychosocial pour des personnes en situation de précarité: un essai randomisé contrôlé Maria Melchior NON OUI voir le sujet
Data-driven modeling of disease transmission with risk perception and adaptive behavior Vittoria Colizza OUI OUI voir le sujet
Genetic and immunological bases of severe flavivirus infections Aurélie Cobat OUI OUI voir le sujet