Training and students follow-up
PhD students should attend trainings/courses during the time of their thesis. The rules of the DS are that 15 "credits" must be validated before the defense is authorized, on the (rough) basis of 10h for 1 credit.
PhD students are encouraged to start taking courses early and to regularly report their advancement.
Please note that 1 credit does not correspond to 1 ECTS (European Crédits of Transfer System). The doctoral school validates credits on the basis of content, duration and required involvement.
Courses and trainings should be chosen to widen your scientific interests. Courses and trainings directly relevant to your PhD thesis will not earn you credits, neither attending conferences in your domain.
On training/course topic is compulsory : ethics/integrity of research.
Other courses must be chosen freely by the PhD students, on the basis of 10h ~1 credit.
Suggestions, by no means limited, are available on the following links. PhD Students may inquire with the DS for the number of credits of a training/course.