- Director of the DS 393 - Mr. Pierre-Yves Boëlle
- Referent director for the Université Paris Cité - Mrs. Isabelle Boutron
- Administrative assistant - Mrs. Keltoum Ben Said
The board of the doctoral school (DS) makes decision regarding :
- Validation of PhD subjects submitted by members of the affiliated research teams
- Qualification of doctoral candidates applying to a university supported doctoral contract
- Qualification and selection of applicants to external grants
- Applications of PhD students for registration in first year of doctoral studies
- Choice of scientific programme of the DS annual seminar
- Validation of some specific requests for doctoral credits
- Planning of meetings for the DS various bodies
- Applications for VAE (validation of acquired experience)
- Pierre-Yves Boëlle, director of the DS
- Isabelle Boutron, referent director of the DS for Université Paris Cité
- Agnès Dechartres, UMRS1136-PEPITES
- Cédric Laouenan, UMRS 1137-IAME
- Murielle Mary-Krause, UMRS1136-ERES
- Keltoum Ben Said, Administrative assistant of the DS
- 1 representative of the doctoral students
The doctoral school council adopts the doctoral school action program, elaborates the internal regulations in accordance with the universities' standards and manages the scientific programme of the doctoral schhol.
24 members distributed as follows :
13 representatives of institutions, research units or research teams:
- Pierre-Yves Ancel, UMR-S 1153, Université Paris Cité
- Aurélie Bourmaud, UMR-S 1123, Université Paris Cité
- Lori Bridal, UMRS-S 1146, Sorbonne Université
- Anita Burgun, UMR-S 1138, Université Paris Cité
- Anne-Claude Camproux, U1133, Inserm,CNRS, Université Paris Cité
- Fabrice Carrat, UMR-S 1136, Sorbonne Université
- Jean Charlet, UMR-S 1142, AP-HP, Sorbonne Université
- Annabel Desgrées du Loû, IRD 216, Université Paris Cité
- Arnaud Fontanet, DR, représentant l'Institut Pasteur
- Jérémie Guedj, UMR-S 1137, Université Paris Cité
- Sandrine Lioret, UMR-S 1153, Université Paris Cité
- Maria Melchior, DR, UMR-S 1136, Inserm, Sorbonne Université
- Florence Tubach, UMR-S 1136, Sorbonne Université
2 representatives of the administrative, technical, social, health and library staff:
- Dominique Belle, Assistant to the Administrative Manager of the IFD, Sorbonne University
- Magali Moulié, Administrative assistant of the DS, Sorbonne Université
5 representatives of doctoral students:
- Manon Chossegros, Sorbonne Université
- Guillaume Ollitrault, Université Paris Cité
- Honor Scarlett, Sorbonne Université
- Jules Decamps, Université Paris Cité
- Aurélien Mitard, Université Paris Cité
3 external personalities in the scientific fields :
- Gérard Biau, LSTA, Sorbonne Université
- Patrizia Carrieri, UMR 912, Inserm
- Jean-François Guegan, IRD Montpellier
1 external personality in the socio-economic field:
- David Evans, BMS Europe
The thesis follow-up commission :
The DS thesis follow-up commission participates in the individual evaluation of the progress of each doctoral student's thesis by examining the reports sent by the tutors, the supervisor and the doctoral student.
Members :
- Pierre-Yves Ancel, UMR-S 1153, Université Paris Cité, President of the thesis follow-up committee ;
- Pierre-Yves Boëlle, UMR-S 1136, Sorbonne Université ;
- Sarah Zohar, UMR-S 1138, Université Paris Cité ;
- 1 Representative of the doctoral students ;
- Magali Moulié, administrative assistant of the DS.
The committee for the DS seminar organization:
It establishes the program and manages the logistical organization of the annual seminar of the doctoral school.
Members: Raphaëlle Métras, Pierre-Yves Boëlle, Gilles Hejblum, Keltoum Ben Said, 1 representative of the doctoral students and, depending on the theme chosen, researchers from the DS host teams.
- Manon Chossegros, Sorbonne Université (rf.etisrevinu-ennobros@sorgessohc.nonam)
- Guillaume Ollitrault, Université Paris Cité (moc.liamg@tluartillo.emualliug)
- Honor Scarlett, Sorbonne Université (rf.cmpu.pselpi@ttelracs.ronoh)
- Jules Decamps, Université Paris Cité (rf.phpa@spmaced.seluj)
- Adrien Mitard, Université Paris Cité (rf.mresni@dratim.neirda)
Representatives of the doctoral students are elected for a 2-years mandate.